292 comp cam

What cam are you talkin about? The MP 508/292? Too big IMO for a stock stroke street 360. It would help if you would tell us exactly which cam you're talking about. I don't think anybody here has a crystal ball. "292 cam" can mean anything from 228* @ .050 to 250* @ .050. BIG range.

Here's all we know from you:

Eddy heads. Which ones?
1.5 rockers.
274 Comp Cam. There's more than one. Hydraulic? Solid?

How about providing some actual HELPFUL information? Actual compression ratio. If you say "I don't know" I'm done. Somebody that would spend money on Eddy heads and not know their final compression ratio needs to sell their crap and buy a Toyota.

Transmission type? Auto? Converter type? Manual trans? Rear end gear ratio? What kinda car? Are we supposed to ASSUME you mean the car in your avatar?

How about filling in some blanks here? Do you want some BS advice or do you want some advice that will really be of benefit? Throw us some bones here. We're not mind readers.