All that is left of the Acura

... Have you ever been stolen from?...?...But if they did their job and brought him up right to know right from wrong, he wouldn't be dead.
Fact is he STOLE the car, then got in a high speed chase with the police, then wrecked SOMEONE ELSE'S CAR. He put many other people's lives on the line when he drove so fast trying to escape without any concern for the citizens or police involved in the chase... Here's the smallest violin playing "my heart cries for him".... :-({|=

Not to mention that the person who's car it was now is without their nice car that was reliable and dependable and has to deal with the aggravation of the insurance company for a settlement......

>>>>>>>> X2 for this shipmate!!! I TOTALLY AGREE!!! <<<<<<<<<<

Matthew 7:1-2

“Judge not, that you be not judged...
-True. Very True
It also says to be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. Which means Judge enough to protect yourself.

krazykuda is not PREJUDGING a living person. It's not just hindsight either. Nor is he holding a grudge against (a living) someone. It's an accepted/tolerated behavior that krazykuda (and many others are) is disgusted with-the similar behavior that incited Jesus to overturn tables and kick butt in the synagogue when people disrespected the Almighty.

Old testament scripture did not tolerate that behavior either-people got stoned to death, etc.

That quote focuses on pre-judging people. We are allowed to condemn bad behavior and judge enough to avoid it. I. E. Move out of Gomora!

If you commit a crime, you should be punished accordingly-which often doesn't happen. And those who live a life of crime can certainly die from the crime - or - live by the sword can die by the sword. -without our sympathies!!

I am TIRED of people twisting quotes to suite (sp?) their purpose!