All that is left of the Acura

A young man made a bad decision and paid for it with his life.

The OP's daughter is now traumatized by the fact that same young man paid that price in what was her car.

I'm reading posts that focus on the young man - right or wrong - and reading very few posts on reaching out to the OP's daughter for healing, guidance, prayers, etc.

The young man is dead. He's beyond our help - or judgement since he's now standing before the Ultimate Judge - as harsh as that may sound. But the young woman isn't. <-agreed.gm7

I'm sure the young lady is very encouraged and comforted by the smattering of opinions. :roll:

I do not see how we are going to console the OP's daughter thru FABO.

I wonder how many members on here admit to stealing something?? Or who have a child thats in trouble??
So all parents are to be blamed for their child in trouble??
I will admit it, I have stolen stuff in the past. I don't hold any grudges against those who believe differently than me. This doesn't change my lack of compassion for the young man. There are many more worthy of my care, and there is only so much love to dish out. I have no problem being the jerk-condemning the car thief & defending those who do the same. If people want to be pro-active, we can come together and build her a Dart/Duster. I would donate a good 904 to the cause.