All that is left of the Acura

Do we wanna organize something for the OP's daughter? Is the insurance gonna cut them a check for $3K or what?

$3k... doubtful. The insurance company willl only give minimal of what it was worth, especially since it was over 20 years old. To them it's worth dirt...

It's sad that she spent all of that time and money to buy it and fix it up, and now the insurance company will be lucky to give her half of what she invested in it (unless she has a good unsurance company and saved all the receipts, then she may get a little more than that).

I hope that she can find another car that she likes as well as that one and will be happy with. She didn't deserve this.

That is why I stated earlier that the perp got what he deserved for stealing it and robbing somewhere and getting in a high-speed chase and cutting a utility pole in half and wrecking 7 cars in a dealer parking lot and then getting killed from it all.... He caused alot of greif for many innocent people, luckily he didn't take out any more while driving like an a--hole to try to escape the police (which is pretty much futile nowadays).