Few Pics From Local Cruise Night - Downers Grove IL

Nice cruise pictures. Too bad I didn't know about it, I could have gone. You are not too far from me.

I didn't see yu at the Dukes Drive In cruise a couple of weeks ago.

Ya, it was spur of the moment. I had my interior gutted because I'm planning on welding in some subframe connectors next week. Threw the two front seats back in it on Thursday so we could join my buddy at the show.

Nice pics! I was there the week before. I'm at I-88 and Eola.

We're virtually neighbors EL5. 75th & Washington here.

Perhaps you, KrazyKuda and I can connect at the Cozzi Corner weekly show located at 75th and Lemont Rd? The show is held every Tuesday through Sept 29. There's a big parking lot, DJ, raffles (for free hotdogs & stuff)
