Sibling issues

My sister is three years my senior. She was a very mean bully when we were kids. Always bigger than me........till about 8. Probably over the top I am sure, but I choked her once, just because I knew I could and she couldn't do **** about it. I didn't let go until I could see the veins in her eyes turning bright red and her face was turning grey. After I let her go, I told her if she ever gave me a hard time EVER again in our lives about anything, that I would finish the job. To this very day, we get along quite well. Although I am sure a physical response is probably not necessary, sometimes intimidation actually works. It did for me, and has numerous times since. Although not with my sister or any other woman. I try not to be that way. I am already kinda imposing as it is. But sometimes people give you no other alternative.