Why is it so hard to get good advice !!???

I called the guys at Jegs.
What a surprise. They were friendly and apologetic about the windage tray. They think it was probably an issue where a part was put in the wrong box. I've seen this happen. the BOX has the right part number on it, but the part inside isn't correct. Hard to blame the people pulling parts from stock. My guess is that the blame lies with an outside vendor.
Jegs offerered to pay return shipping and give a full refund. I told them that I made a small cut in the windage tray to try to clear the Milodon pickup tube, but they said that they'd still refund the price. They felt that since the wrong part was shipped, they are willing to overlook the practice of NOT accepting modified parts in return.
This is nice to see and I will surely order from them again.