I swear if I didnt love her

Hey you got to remember ...you are the getting the sex....hes the one whos daughter is being banged by a punk kid! She will always be his "little" girl

I agree... to a certain extent.

She's 18 and able to live her life without daddy making her choices for her.

And that's what daddy's really upset with. It's not the fact she's having sex, it's the fact she's becoming an adult. He's realizing there's aspects of her life where daddy can't - and won't be - allowed to be a part of.

I understand where the fathers in this thread are coming from, but ask yourself, as a husband or boyfriend... where do stand?

I've had a controlling father-in-law. It's no fun. All because he could never see his "baby girl" as an adult woman, capable of leading her own life.