a727 lines

Bakerlite mentions that the pressure we are dealing with is only in the 20 to 40 pound range...which is a lot less that some of the hydraulic hoses I know of.

Canada line only goes to '74 Duster.. I have run into this before where they will not quote on a '75.

I must say I am a bit cynical of "custom made" for the car. I have installed a bunch of stuff that was custom made for my car that required a lot of tweaking or fabrication to make it fit. My luck, the lines would be too short.

I read somewhere that with the a727 with o/d, the fittings were 1/4 vs 1/8.

I am not sure of the cooling properties of a steel line running through a hot environment vs a rubber hose..

Of to the farm equipment store tomorrow morning.

Good discussion, btw.
