Front Drum Brake Issues

Re-arcing shoes has nothing to do with out of round. Therefore if a drum is true, it will begin to rub at some point, "wherever that is," just a little.

ALL drums are going to be somewhat out of round to some degree, if nothing else, a little tiny bit of play in the bearings, etc. Another thing that can aggravate out of round is some jockey overtightening the drum on the brake late, as well as mis--mounted on the hub, as in change a new drum, or warping by overtightening wheel nuts.

The thing is, the OP STILL HAS NOT described the degree. How much force does it take? This might be a problem and it might be nothing.

The only real way to check a drum is to mic it for oversize, then chuck it on the brake lathe and make a scratch cut, turn the drum 1/2 turn and rechuck, and make a second scratch. The two cuts should be on the same side. If not, it was chucked wrong.

[ame=""]Brake Lathes - AMMCO 4000E Brake Lathe Drum Reconditioning - YouTube[/ame]