I swear if I didnt love her

I really wanna go over to his house so I can talk to him face to face. I just dont know if hes cool enough to let that happen right now.

Btw, this all started cause after 2 and half years of dating we finally did what couples do and now he knows.

I wanted to ride over there before it even started but he wants to text for some reason.

Asa, I'm 19 and shes 18. Hes 48. Honestly if he was to start kicking my *** I woulda let him. Im not mad and im not fighting with him. I just wanna talk and not through a phone. If he decides to point a gun at me and smear my brains all over his front porch so be it. At least id have my honor.

LOL! Unfortunately her college tuition requires lots of *** kissing.

ok you are 18 and 19 years old. you two are babies still. you two have no idea about the real world yet (as much as you may think you do). **** you two are fresh out of high school and really haven't had to deal with any real responsibility yet.

how did he find out you tagged his daughter?? you need to realize that she is his baby girl and always will be. you deflowered her. fact of life yes does he have to like it? hell no. he wants his little girl to worry about school or whatever her future is without the other bullshit. reality? maybe not but thats his little girl. in his eyes she is flushing her future down the toilet..

so are you saying dad is paying tuition for her school? she lives under his roof right?? if so then being 18 really doesn't mean ****. under his roof then she (and you) have to play by his rules. apparently she is still very dependant on dad and in reality too immature to make the correct decisions at this point.

trust me dad knows how these things work. everything is a fairytale for the two of you right now. she is head over heals for you at this point. but and here is th ebig but... dad knows how fast that **** changes. once one or both of you experience life a little more chances are they you will be going your separate ways. just wait.. if she goes away to school or something... you may not be able to be there all the time (you should be working or in school yourself so you can't be) and she starts getting some attention from other friends and guys.. things will change. i'm sure dad knows this too. its just reality...

and last.. why would you be stupid enough to go back and forth via text message with him?? thats just immature and stupid. all you are doing is pissing him off more. you need to let it go. let him calm down and maybe he will let you near the house again.

i know i know.. i'm wrong. thats exactly what i would think a 18 and 19 year old to think.. just wait till you are 40 years with kids and you try to advise/guide them.. you may look back and say was i really that stupid at that age? the answer for you and most of us here is YES. life experience man.. wait to see how much the two of you need/will learn...