I swear if I didnt love her

Bottom line is dads house = dads rules.

respect your elders ....they wont be here forever and when they are gone it will be sad and lonely without them.

my dad tells me stuff and gets on my case and I don't want to hear half of what he says because I think he is wrong most of the time but I don't say anything because that's his world and he is doing what he thinks is right and I would rather roll my eyes and listen to him going on and on, than not have him at all.

it shouldn't even matter whose house or who is paying whatever ...he is dad and that gives him the right to an opinion and the ability to enforce his ideas within his house.

someday we will be the elders and be living in own little worlds and its not going to feel nice to have some junior who cant even take care of him or herself, challenge and argue what we believe is right.

Respect your elders and if dad don't like something in his house then move out and take it somewhere else....its really that simple