Worst Resumes Ever!

I'll admit the same... I don't write a lot of resumes, the jobs I've had didn't ask for resumes. I've worked retail so far. 2 jobs for me so far. I worked for Rite Aid from 9/2011 to 9/2012, left there to work for Walgreens (better pay and full-time hours) and I worked there from 9/2012 to 3/2013. I had put in my 2 weeks notice for 2 different reasons: I was moving out of the city and wasn't driving 45 minutes for a retail job. And the other reason being that I was pregnant and heavy lifting and high reaching was forbidden and I'd have to do both while working. I got almost done with my 2 weeks notice and 2 days before I was good to leave, I ended up in the Schuyler ER with a miscarriage. I'd spent over 5 hours in the ER getting different blood tests done, and making sure a DNC wasn't needed... I finally got time to call work and tell them that I wasn't going to be in, mind you, I called 2 hours after my shift started... I got an attitude for being in the ER with a miscarriage and they weren't letting me leave yet.

She made it sound like I needed an appointment (with no insurance) to be in the ER for that! She told me that if I wasn't going to be in for work that night to not bother coming in for the rest of my shifts. I said whatever and hung up.

I had worse things to worry about than losing my job 2 days early. I had over $8000 in bills thanks to not having insurance from the ER and OB-GYN visits... And sadly that wasn't even half of the bills added up.

So, now I plan to go back to school and finish my classes that I started and had to drop out for the same reason. Get a job in the profession that I'm taking the classes on and start my career and beginning my life with the job, house and person that I love.

And that profession I'll need more than a resume, I'd need a portfolio, recommendation letters including a resume.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvDem5oyHXc&list=PLE1C1A587F0509646&index=157"]Star Trek Enterprise - Faith of the Heart - Music video - YouTube[/ame]