Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

wow...what a cat

I had to look up that type of cat and I see that they can get pretty big.

sorry to hear about Grandson getting a bit of battle damage, hope his hands heal up the way they should.

other than that, good kitty ...I need one of those cats...a very aggressive hunter would be useful around here. Canines are strictly forbidden in the yard and my existing cat is not aggressive enough....Tabbys are just lazy compared to a purpose built hunter like a Maine coon cat....usually when an unwanted visitor is in the yard I find my cat passed out and looking like a drunken idiot under a car.......I definitely need one of those Maine Coon cats.

and yes I have seen cats smile, especially when they do something they are not supposed to do. my cat smiled at me the other day when he left a huge deposit in the garage in front of the welder and he knows better than that. :banghead: