Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

Tabbys are just lazy compared to a purpose built hunter like a Maine coon cat....I definitely need one of those Maine Coon cats.

Don't let Jack's Maine Coon fool you. Mine, Spidey, mostly lays around during the day.

Mouse in the house? It's up the female Tabby to take care of it.

Mine does have it's moments, though. When Sarah and I first moved to Elmira, my sister and her family came down the day after the move to help us unpack. They brought their dog, Nelson, with them. Nelson's a sweetheart of a dog and particularly likes me. He's also one of those dogs that "grins." He pulls his lips away from his teeth and, well, grins.

I was behind the TV console, hooking up all the electronics, with Spidey sitting on the ottoman watching me, grooming himself. Family walks in the door, Nelson sees me, starts grinning, and runs over to me. Spidey must not have liked the idea of a 50# dog coming at me with it's teeth bared. Yup, he spiked the poor dog. Nelson turned around and Spidey spiked him again. Both times, right on the nose. Spidey went to do it again when Nelson decided it wasn't gonna happen. My brother-in-law grabbed the dog just as he was lunging, I grabbed the cat just as he was swatting.

Other than, that, Spidey's attitude towards the dogs is "if you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone." But that's pretty much his attitude towards everything. He shows an utter disregard for the rabbit and the guinea pigs, preferring to find an open window to lay in. Hell, most of the time he has anything to do with me is when the food bowl is empty. Or he wants attention.

Jack, next time the kid's over set up a video camera somewhere. We need to see this!