Is there a true plug-n-play setup for a 5.7 with FI yet?

If I had nothing but time on my hands I'd consider building Megasquirt harnesses for a plug and play type setup, but the big thing there is that every installation is a little different. I have a ModMan intake and routed all my wires under it for a cleaner look. I also put my computer under my glovebox, so my routings might be different than someone elses. I wanted to put a bulkhead connector in the firewall to make things easier, but didn't want to spend the money to get one with enough pins to work.

I think the big issue with "plug and play" is pretty much this. You almost have to build a kit for each car that someone might drop the engine in. If you can mount the computer in the engine bay (which I think is possible with a stock one, not recommended on a Megasquirt), you can be a little more universal, but it might not suit everyone's taste.