who here uses facebook

I was very reluctant to get a FaceBook account at first. Now I've been able to get in contact with a bunch of old friends in the four states I used to live in ... get to secretly laugh at all the cheerleaders who were so perfect in high school and now look like unrecognizable whales with eight kids (yeah I'm a ***** lol) ... network with like minded Mopar people all over the world ... and now it's turning into a very viable source of new business (4 jobs in the shop right now are from FB users).

My shop's Fan Page has over 1850 members -- one of the most highly viewed powder coating shops on the entire network! -- and it's great for new jokes and at least a few good laughs a day. It gets to be a drag when people use it for nothing but negativity and/or drama, and those people are never on my Friends' List for very long.