Is there a true plug-n-play setup for a 5.7 with FI yet?

Haha, I may pull mine back off my engine one of these days if I could find a way to test them. I left them installed so I wouldn't lose them, but don't know if they're any good (pretty sure one went in the tank with the block when I had it cleaned, forgot to remove it). My main issue is trying to figure out how to drive a vibration frequency into them to see if they're outputting, though I might be able to hook up to them while the engine is running to see if there's any "noise" at all. I tried the simple hammer test of hooking them up to an analog meter and tapping them with a hammer to see if the needle would twitch, but got nothing, which is why I thought that they might be bandwith style instead of univeral. Need to see if I can wrangle up a scope or something to see the output better. Some have suggested that they might require an amplifier as well, but I'm not sold on that idea yet.

What would probably be the easiest solution would be to just replace the stock ones with the one wire GM style. They are essentially just a microphone that output a voltage based on the severity of the vibration they see (light tap with hammer = small voltage, big hit with hammer = large voltage). You'd have to decide for yourself what the knock threshold is though.

My other struggle with them has been to sort out the wiring. Since they are two wire I've come across two potential schematics. Either one wire is a dedicated ground (to assure a better signal than using the engine mounting surface) and the other signal, or I've read that some require an input voltage and output a modified voltage (kind of like a TPS that uses a reference voltage). I tried unhooking the wiring on my grandparents' 06 Ram and putting a meter on it and it made no sense. The wiring wasn't consistent from one side of the engine to the other, so unless they run in series I was in the dark. May try to sort through a wiring diagram to see if I can shed any light on it (assuming I can find a diagram somewhere).

I'm all for trying to figure out how to make them work though. I'd love to have a bit of a safety blanket in case I push things too far or get some bad fuel. I bench built one of the knock circuits I found (basically just a timer that outputs a high signal for a set amount of time once a trigger exceeds a threshold), but didn't have any luck getting it to work correctly.