Captainkirk's Duster project

The fire is burning again, for sure. Now if I can just keep it going....

Oh, it's's going alright! Day-umm! I don't know who's taken the controls in my head, but it sure as hell ain't me! Seats are out. Carpeting is out. Seat belts are out. I ripped into that peeling paint and rust like a monkey on a cupcake, blasting Springsteen and the Doobies at like 90 dB so I could hear it over the shop vac and drill/wire wheel (neighbors are probably cringing and wondering WTF got into that guy next door...) and suddenly I'm looking at a bare Gunmetal floor. Yep; I found where the meeses were hiding.....dirty bastiges....and the little presents they left behind. Guess I can't totally blame 'em tho...I did find an empty pack of Howard Johnson hotel matches under the rear bench. Advertise for a hotel, I s'pose you can't fault 'em for shackin' up. Other than the 'deposits' they left, doesn't look like they chewed much up, so we'll call it a draw as long as they don't come back. Crazy ****, but I was completely lost in this car tonite. I I took the WayBack machine back to the '70's and was this damn kid again. The way it used to be. I've made more progress over the past two days than the past three years. And the funny thing didn't cost me a red cent.