Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

Nice that they have a bodyguard.

I believe a grop of cats is called a "clowder".

my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob