Radiator flush

I have a car that is having a redish color in the coolant .....

no matter how many times I flush it out ....I will come back to find the problem again .....I am on a replacement radiator and that didn't help ....

what can I do or use to get rid the of the really gross redish color in the cooling system

Good luck!!! You're probably just going to be able to slowly dilute it until it eventually gets to be just orange-tinted water coming outta there. I had the same problem with my Dart when I bought it, so I was flushing it once a week. Then after about a month of doing that, I added fresh coolant. Even then, it became a little bit orange over time, but at least I could live with it.

When a cooling system goes rusty.....it's a sad sad day!! My sister had a Jeep Cherokee that had a leaky water pump that she just added water to on a daily basis, then drove it to work. She eventually fried the motor, but the whole engine compartment was orange. Auuggghhhh......FAIL!!