Cool Song Remakes

I'm a "Locomotive Breath" fan myself.

Interesting story about Type O...

I was turned on to them by an ex girlfried that also happend to be Mayilin Manson's ex girlfriend (pre-manson). All sorts of "interesting occurrances" relating to that woman (girl?- 22 at the time) happened such as the time a six month old bite mark from her started bleeding 10 seconds before she called me for the first time in weeks...

Anyway, I was looking at car stereos that had USB ports, so I could, well, use one...

I approaced the display, and inserted my USB memory and Type O started playing.
I found that interesting, since those songes are 3 layers down in the folder structure.

Anyway again, the next day on the radio I heard Peter Steele (from Type O) had died the previous day.
