Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob

My neighbor had a rotty. He would always brag how it would attack anything that came in his yard. He went on vacation and I was feeding him when they were gone. I told him one day that dog was going to get him in trouble. He laughed at me. He would always say good boy when the dog went after another. The police were there several times and he was warned

One day his 8 year old boy was playing out side. The dog tore his son apart pretty good. He is permanently scarred physically and mentally. The Police took the dog and Rich was cited with a big Fine. Plus his home insurance was dropped.

My Saint Bernard is now 170 and has another year to grow. I love the dog but if he would go after another animal or person unprovoked I would shoot him dead.

I wouldn't brag about a dog like that I would be ashamed and never tell your story. I have 8 dogs and none would ever bite except for one. Bullit if you enter our fence at night. Although I wouldn't raise your hand to any family member while the other dogs are around

Good luck with your dog . I hope he isn't the cause of a great loss in your future.