Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

My cat loves toying with the dog, lol. He'll even instigate the battles too, little booger. Get's the dog to chasing him back and forth then either hides behind the bedroom door or under the bed. Then with the dog runs by the door he jumps out and nails him. Or, if he decides to be dumb enough to stick his face under the bed (which he usually does) the cat lays there in wait, lol. Very cheap entertainment.

He did wise up for some time though, even though I think he forgot he used to do this, but, the dog would chase the cat and as soon as the cat turned around in defense the dog would swing around really quick and hit the cat with his rump!!! Now that my friends is hilarious to watch, lol.

Also, a friend at work has a bobtail cat, big ol female, I think weighs around 15lbs or so of all muscle. The kicker is, she's a paradactyl. She has 9, yes I said 9 toes/claws on each front paw and 7 on each back one! Big ol pads on that girl! He said she darned near has opposable thumbs,lol, and can pick stuff up like a person. Now those would frickin hurt if she got ahold of you!