Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

Funny story.
When my first wife and I got married we rented a little house on a dead end road out in the country, we had an common tom cat to keep the mice etc away.
The neighbors had a 180 lb bull mastif.
The neighbor warned me that his dog did not like cats.

One day his dog walked up the steps on my porch and went after the cat, the next thing I saw was a cat with its claws dug in the rib cage of this 180 lb dog running with its tail between its legs heading home.

A week or so later the dog came back and I seen him flip the tom cat abought 7' over the roof of our old dodge dart. The old tom cat was right back on him claws stuck in his hind quarters as he headed back home with his tail between his legs.

There was no love between that cat and dog.