Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

...and why did he feel the need to quote me???

You bathe cats?? Really?
Cats are "self cleaning".
I've only ever bathed a cat if it was a kitten and just found/ or had a bad flea issue.
Bathe one and risk loosing a chunk or two of flesh...every time.

Animals tend to have better oral hygene if fed dry food.
I'm not about to start brushing their teeth (as is the current trend), but I do give "dental" treats.

My neighbors have 2 Rotweilers, They are good dogs, although I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty in a worst case scenario. So far all but one of my guys have been smart enough not to go over there. That was real 4:00am...We are actually surrounded by neighbors with dogs on all but two of the 8 adjacent properties.

We also have a chihuahua. He gets into much more trouble with other animals than any of the cats.