Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

We live by a forest preserve and have lots of wild animals around. We used to feed the raccoons. One day we came home and there was a mama raccoon in the yard with 4 babies. We had our dog with us (Dalmatian mixed with english setter) and he chased the raccoons and caught one of the babies. Our younger cat, a black engora named Kelly (we used to let her outside once in a while), ran after our dog and swatted him to let the raccoon go before the raccoon's mama could get there. The dog let go of the raccoon.

A couple of days later when we were feeding the raccoons, Kelly was there mingling in with the mama raccoon and her four babies. Mama raccoon didn't pay her any attention since she saved one of her babies from the dog... It was cute seeing her hanging out with the baby raccoons while they ate.