Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

We used to have 2 cats and 2 dalmatians when we were kids. After dinner we would stack our dishes on the counter and mom would clean them before she went to bed. One time my dad heard the dogs barking and went in the kitchen to catch the cats up on the counter stealing scraps off of the dinner plates. The dogs got mad and turned them in.

One day a short time later. My dad walks into the kitchen after dinner and catches the two cats up on the counter and throwing off food to the dogs to keep them quiet. Yeah, the 4 animals worked together to cooperate and split the food between themselves.

have a 6 ft fence to keep him in, no relatives ever go in the yard,(or anyone else either) unless I`m there. I`m very respectful of him(the dog).wife doesn`t go around him much,and respects him also. you have to have signs up to keep yourself in the clear if anything ever happened, of course that won`t hold salt if you live in town, I don`t. the whole story was for the guy that thinks he has a bad cat. just for entertainment! got a few synical responses out of a few of you!! no brag - just fact:finga: