Cool Song Remakes

What happened to her?

Man, it makes you wonder where people are, now.

I love this; In my opinion, epitomizes cover songs.

Bad Lip Reading is an outfit that takes video clips (music videos, politician speeches, sports interviews, anything is fair game) and does exactly what their name implies and dubs new vocals on everything.

This song is an original of theirs, made from clips of three different music videos.

[ame=""]Morning Dew - Bad Lip Reading of Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga and Jay Z[/ame]

The best part about it, though, is that Rob Crow decided to cover the song with his band, Goblin **** and turned it into a metal tune.

[ame=""]Goblin **** - Mourning Dude (a cover of Bad Lip Reading's Morning Dew)[/ame]

Rob Crow is one of those artists that makes anything fly, like Dave Grohl, only not quite in the public eye.