Cool Song Remakes

You have very interesting taste in music, Mr Bonds.

I'm not as spry and "in it" as I was 20-30 years ago, but I try occasionally, and I appreciate those that are.

Last I heard, her family spent most of their money, and had to downsize significantly, and she got breast implants and moved back to the Miami area.

I happen to work with a female computer tech that was also a friend of hers back in the day, although I never knew her back then. Interesting what comes around/goes around...

I'll also nominate Revolting Cocks- "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" Rod stewart cover.

...and W.A.S.P.'s version of "Easy Livin" by Uriah Heep.

aw, let;s just go for a trifecta with the Toadies covering Gary Numan's "Cars" (studio version)

...and I have to mention Gary Moore's "Shapes of Things". Quite possibly the top of my list.