who is into Nascar

I generally agree with GaryS.

I remember watching Petty, Yarborogh, Allison, Waltrip, etc in the early/mid 70's when I was a kid. Back then there wasn't much televised, so seeing the Daytona 500 was a treat.

Starting in the late 80's/ early 90's it kinda got thrust into the spotlight, with "days of thunder" and the media spectacle of earnhart SR. I never really cared for the way he raced, and that coupled with the abscence of Mopars turned me off.

Late 90's I tried to get back itno it, but it seemed every time a good driver emerged for Mopar, one of the other teams (usually gm) lured them away.

I was a Kasey Khane fan, then a Rusty Wallace fan, then a Kurt Bush fan, and finally a Keselowski fan. I still follow BK and Busch (if maybe only for the underdog factor).
Watching KK in what I consider his prime, was a treat. Young guy passing people on the outside frequently, and absolutle RULING the 2.5 mile tracks.

Now I watch maybe one out of three, and sometimes only the first 20 and last 20 laps.

I'll also agree that participating in drag racing is a blast, but I really don't care to watch too much of it, especially since even the pro stock cars don't even look like cars anymore.