which stroker to build?

I'm not sure ppl hate 340's ? I know I don't I have had 5 of them and have 2 at present .
I think the cheaper cost might be part of it ?
I do believe some ppl complain a oust casting shift in 340's ?

I was slightly kidding about 340 haters, but I find funny if someone owns both a 340 and 360 you guy almost always go with 360 cause its 20 cubes bigger but when it 408/416 its the 408 that wins sure its only 8 cubes and don't matter that much but find the logic funny :)
But if the plan is Airwolf heads the 340 has a slightly bigger bore and is gonna help a bit more with the high flowing 2.08 valves and the little less friction with the smaller main can't hurt..