Learning elctric bass? ... Share your thoughts,gotta learn somewhere...

Bass is easy to learn/get started, but requires a measure of ambition and skill to master.

Months ago my roommate came home from work and picked up my only bass guitar from the row of electric guitars I have along the wall. So I looked up a few tabs for him on my computer, dusted off my half-stack and Stratocaster, and we had a jam night while I taught him to play bass.

Within an hour he was playing a whole song, within 3 hours he had memorized several songs and was starting to try out stuff that he had thought would be fun.

I wish I could say I learned that fast when I picked up an electric guitar for the first time, but I'd be lying. Then again I had no idea what I was doing then, and didn't have anyone to teach me anything. That must be the difference between having someone standing nearby telling you stuff and suggesting what to do/not to do. I was far from what you'd call a great teacher, but I seem to have passed on enough info to get another to pick up a guitar.