Learning elctric bass? ... Share your thoughts,gotta learn somewhere...

Not particularly. I have a short fuse for that kinda thing. Somebody would have a Silvertone crammed up their *** and I would be in jail.

You do that to a vintage Silvertone, and I'll call the friggin' cops!

Yall do any 12 bar stuff? I could probably sit in well with some kinda blues shuffle on slide. I MIGHT could even fret out some slow to moderate 12 bar lead if I dust myself off enough.

All you want.

My problem is debilitating stage fright. I shake so bad I can't do anything. But.......I've never actually done it enough to see if I could ever get over it.

Yeah... you were kinda quiet the other day. If it wasn't for Kitty, I'd thought i was alone. :poke:

I need to get your *** off the couch and onto a stage with your ax, and a bottle of Jack, and all your inhibitions will fly out the window. Get you to the point where your left eye is so pretty that your right eye will keep lookin' at it, and you'll be ready.
Just stay awake!