I'm an idiot but have followers

I love the post above with the video. "This is Great".

I don't care what people think of me. If there was a grandma pushing her grand child in the street where she does't belong. I would hit the air horn and blow the kid right out of the carraige going by so fast and close. I have no respect for anyone on the road. I am out there to go as fast as I can and not get a ticket. And when I do get a ticket I commend the officer for saving a life.

Helmets ,fire suits and a hanns devise should be mandatory with the seat belt law. Then we could use the speed they give us from these racers. Last time I looked I didn't see a speedo that didn't go under 80 mph. If it wouldn't be for the speeders who would pay to fix the pot holes that you only feel under 100 mph. So the people who drive slow should be happy we are making the roads smooth for them.

I always see and here about the old people holding up traffic. I just couldn't see that happening to me. I am going to always drive fast and reckless and have my heart attack at the wheel. So watch out for me in Pa. I am coming through and I am over due.

Whats more dangerous than this. And I love it. Danger goes with luck. That is why we run a #7. When you think about it to some speed it "stupid" to others its "No Fear" If your on the road with someone like me out there you have to be one of the two. Your either stupid or you have no fear. So your just like me. We could be related.