I'm an idiot but have followers

you know Shelby is dead, right?

You know Carrol Shelby is dead, right?
For the pair of asshats that can't read, please direct your attention to the sig below. Thank you.

OP, you are a dumbass. It's acceptable to spank a ricer from light to light, no biggy. But racing down the freeway weaving through traffic for 13 minutes?? You could of done 42 quarter mile passes in your car and beat 42 16 second ricers! (Waits for someone to do the math!) Or, you could of killed a family, a dog, or yourself. Grow up.

Grown ups do this all the time. Old farts complain about it. Your worries about children screwing up others lives which is fine however just based on a quick simple story you assume way to much.

Now is it you KNOW exactly what he did vs based on what you said.
There is a time and place for everything. How do you KNOW this wasn't a good time and place?