Finally got paint

First off I hope your project turn out nice, as far as the people doing the work they look to be about as unprofessional as I've ever seen. The paint booth and everything and everyone in it need to be treated like a surgical sweet as far as cleanliness and dust and dirt control, these clowns are painting in their street cloths with thier hairy body's and thier lint etc. covered clothing distributing crap into the paint. Color sanding and polishing after its done can erase a lot of sloppy workmanship but try and remove a hair or some other highly visible piece of junk that fell in on the first coat of clear without burning thru to the color coat, good luck. They couldn't even put some wheel covers over the dusty wheels and tires, these are not pros these are barely amateurs. When you see test patterns on the walls of the paint booth it's a bad sign. None of this is your fault of corse and unless you've seen real pros at work you would have no way to know and many car guys are paying good money and waiting a long time for the work and deserve better. That said I hope they got lucky because I love those old Fish!
are you serious! Why not just tell the guy to go to chip foose and let him paint the car! Most of us who have cars like this don't have the money for the 10,15, $20,000 paint jobs I have also seen people paint cars out in the backyard and they came out the be showpieces. at least these guys had a paint booth. they can bring graffiti artist in and paint the lyrics from barracuda on the side of the wall it would not matter to me! Most people do not even have pictures or video of their cars being done. Mark you did the right thing by video taping this or whoever did it for you. this is a keepsake most people would die for! From what I see in the video and the pictures I think if it was a great job! Mark if you're happy and it looks good more power to you!! remember to get the car on the street and start showing and the amount of trophies you pull in will tell you how the paint job turned out! I hope one day I come by and see your car and look for a hair from the guys arm that dropped in to the clear? And remember if you get any motor work done this gentleman here would probably like them to wear gloves and be suspended in the air so they don't go near the paint? haha what a joke but everybody has their opinion!!! and you know what they say about opinions, opinions are like a$$holes everybody has one!!anyway great job I love the color I love that body style it looks like it's going to be a real showpiece. big daddy out