******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

Some people post, without any thought or regards to what the out come is. For those who have been on this site for awhile know I don't post a lot. This is a place for memike to come without having his wife over his back. But sometimes it's necessary for me comment.

With every post, memike post with his heart and soul into helping, inspiring or building others up. He doesn't ever intentionally hurt others. It seem there has been things being posted that has upset him enough to not want to be here. Which is not right. This place have been his life support for many years and I can't allow just a few folks take this away.

If someone is trying to help others, why do you question?, why do you comment if all you have to say is negativity? Are you that selfish? If your intentions is to criticize or insult someone then this is not the place for you. A-bodies foundation is not about this and the only way to keep the foundation strong is for others to stand up to the bully's, the de-motivators and trouble makers.

I know of good people who have left for the above reasons. My whole life I have seen and noticed that Mopar folks where a special breed of considerate, caring people, don't let that image change.