I'm an idiot but have followers

The incredible antic's of the "smooth brain" drivers. Few will understand what I mean by, smooth brain, sadly. This "me me me" mentality is seen far too often on all of the freeways across this country; "My mood is all that matters." "My need for speed is worth the lives of whomever gets in my way." "it's all about MEEEEEEEE!"

As I read through this entire thread from start to finish, I was taken back to the third grade when some of the boys wanted to pick on someone for being weaker, but one boy stood out and said "NO", then all of the little boys in the class began to tease the stronger boy who I believe possessed some real character and showed courage in saying "NO" to his friends. The original poster of this thread reminded me of a little boy who wanted to beat up all the other boys that refused to "play his dumb game". After which, he began to pull his friends into this thread to assist him in his new attack on the very few who were vocal in opposition of his using poor judgment. Suddenly, it was like being in the live version of Lord of The Flies.

My point being, I think I must agree with WAFFLES AND APPLES! THEY WERE SOOOOO GREAT TOGETHER! (Whipped creme is a nice topping.)