******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

I'll be the first to admit that some stuff I say can come off as gruff and negative. Hush up Frankie.

That said, anybody that knows me in person will tell you that I am a joking fool 99.9% of the time and that's how I mean 99.9% if what I type......but it doesn't always end up comin out that way. Hush up Frankie.

So please Treva, tell Mike if it's something I said that I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I don't think it was me, cause I don't remember saying anything directly to Mike recently.....but still my apologies if it was.

I am trying to be better about what I say and how I say it......but I am a complete smartass and sometimes the opportunity is impossible to resist. Hush up Frankie.

Like I told Frankie recently when he graciously took Kitty and I to lunch. I have my sense of humor because honestly, there's nothing much else to me.

Hush up Frankie.