My 70 Dart

Sorry, no pictures. I've been busy looking for work and just plain yard work lately. Since I had the time and motivation today, I wanted to work on the front and rear valance. They were already in progress and I wanted to finish them up. The rear end valance was bent, me thinks someone backed up just a little bit to far at one time. I tried to straighten it out as best I could, When I went to sand it I found a low spot. I almost said to hell with it.......but NOOOOO, I had to fill it in and make it better! When I sand the filler tomorrow, (with pictures, b4 and after), I'll paint it and see what happens. I sprayed the front today. Plus I had some left over. I didn't want to waste it so I sprayed the passenger side quarter. Unfortunately, the wind picked up, great timing, and I ended up with a bunch of dirt on it. Oh well, I'll sand it smooth and go on from there. It's gonnna be a sub coat for the metallic I'm going to use. The important thing is the 1/4 is pretty darn straight. I am REAL happy with that! Enough babbling, thanks for reading.