Wood crafts anyone?

Several years ago I had an internet woodworking business. I had made some goals for the business and met them, so I was pleased with my results. I basically had three "lines". I had a set of yard & garden small stuff - birdhouses, bird feeders, squirrel feeders and the like; a second line was outdoor furniture that I teamed up with a local Mennonite woodworker with. He made the parts, and we sold them as kits with printed directions and a video tape (New Yankee Workshop style) showing how to assemble. The third line was custom projects, anything from fences & gates to porch swings, gliders, tables.
That was a part time thing, I had a job. I got so busy that I wasn't spending any time with my family unless they were helping me in the shop. So, after meeting the goals I established I pulled the plug. That was when my son & I started our first resto. Oh yes, my last "project" with the woodworking was our two car detached garage - set up for woodworking, but used for 10 years to restore our two cars.

That was the early days of the internet. I didn't have a lot of competition. I am sure it would be a little more difficult today. You just have to find your niche and run with it.