Captainkirk's Duster project

Excellent write up.


Have you ever considered a propane torpedo heater for the garage?
I bought one last year to replace my old kerosine one last winter.
They are about $125 bucks from Lowes and hook up to your gas grill tank.

No...but given the enormity of this project, I may give it a try. I can't afford a four-month lay-off

Also I also lost the bike craving, traded my 08 Buell XB-X12 that I bought new for a Challenger this summer.

I haven't lost the bike craving, just put it on hold to give The Duke his time in the saddle. This is turning into a much larger endeavor than I ever envisioned, and it's gonna take a lot of concentration and attention, with no time for the bikes. They'll still be there when I finish..:D
You might notice the Furbie is perched on my Handy Lift, right behind my Seca....