Monday afternoon, I re-drenched the trans tunnel with degreaser to see if the runoff was clear or grungie. Happy to say, 90% clear - meaning the degreaser had cut thru the crud
very effectively.
The K-frame was still well-coated with gunk on the underside so I went after it with the degreaser and a scrubby pad and labored for about 45 minutes. Very persistent crud and, I can tell you, I did
not get it all off but what's significant about this is that the sludge I removed took with it nearly all of the remaining stink. I say 'nearly' because I basically quit before I was done - knowing there was still more crap to clean up - and if I crawl under the car and plant my nose up against every structural component like an obsessed schizophrenic, I can certainly find some residual funk. But I have to look for it doesn't hang in the air all around the car like before.
This fish has been cleaned.