Friend somebody.....

I have been a member for a long time and it never occurred to me to ask someone to be a friend because I had never been asked and was not sure of the protocol. I was on the political forum some and felt like I had caused some hard feelings with a few people including Rob. I have viewed his posts for a long time and liked him but was afraid I had made an enemy by some things I said in the politics forum. A few days ago I offered to find some demon hats for a member and Lo and behold he sent a friend request and I accepted right away and yelled to my wife "I have a friend!" She had no clue what I was talking about. Then another member asked me to be a friend and I thought this is great that some people are asking me to be friends. I got a nice PM from Rob and knew immediately that he did not have any hard feelings but For some reason I did not send Rob a friend request. Then this thread started and I realized that it works both ways and sent him a request. Rob, I feel a lot better now and I think I'm now going send Frankie a friend request. What do you think?

I am now a new member on the politics forum .....and I would really be sad if people on there become enemies over things said .....we know what we are getting into over there and its a different set of rules than in the general forum.

its almost like the cartoons where the sheep dog and coyote are at each others throats but then in the end of the day they clock out and are best buddies.........the opposing jobs they do are just a days work ....nothing personal

politics are like that ....I went to college as a political science major and I know there are so many things we all don't agree on and can go round and round about from different points of view, but in the end of the day .....HEY its nothing personal, have a great evening and see back at work in the morning LOL

[ame=""]FHES - Punching the Clock - YouTube[/ame]