Friend somebody.....

Feeling pressured into befriending? What purpose does that serve?

I have no qualms with anyone here, and, as many here know, I'm very active in the N&P forum, where I am engaged in my discussions, debates, encounters, arguments, and even name calling (though I prefer the descriptive one's that personify the individual). lol

I hold no grudges against anyone, and NEVER take it outside of the shark tank.
A while back (a year or more) I sent a "friends request" to a certain individual who is a member here. In fact I've sent a couple to him. He ignored them, as is his right. I also sent him an invitation to put his name on the "First Names" list. He also ignored that. This is a person who used to frequent the N&P forum, but has since left. We didn't see eye to eye on a number of things, and agreed on a few things. It became very obvious that this person can't deal with "What happens in the Shark Tank STAYS in the Shark Tank", and takes things overly personally.

As I stated earlier, I have no qualms with anyone here. I'm here BECAUSE I enjoy reading your thoughts, ideas, questions, answers, and such. If I didn't like it here, I would just leave. No fan fair, not drama, no announcements. I simply wouldn't show up anymore. But, I do like it here, and have found SOMETHING in common with each and everyone here, whether I've posted in a given thread, or not.

I have about 20 people who have befriended me, and that's very nice of them to do, and I do appreciate it, but, I don't think it's necessary, nor do I think it changes anything.

I consider all of you my friends whether, or not our "friends lists" show it. Even the three or four people I regularly argue with in N&P, even that one person who has ignored each of my attempts to show that I hold no ill feelings toward him, or anyone else for that matter.

Another sign that I enjoy everyone's input is that I have no one on my ignore list. lol

Just my 2ยข

Love ya, mean it.