Friend somebody.....

Feeling pressured into befriending? What purpose does that serve?

I have about __ people who have befriended me, and that's very nice of them to do, and I do appreciate it, but, I don't think it's necessary, nor do I think it changes anything.
Exactly.....It means absolutely nothing. According to this site I have a bunch of "Friends".....when was the last time any of them contracted me??? Oh wait, my box is full....better empty it...

Other than someone questioning something I said, sorry Robert I will get around to answering you sometime soon, have not heard from any one on my "friends" list in quite a while. Have helped a few of my "friends" out....and other than the communications from them when I was helping have not heard a peep from them. Have even sent out a few Holiday cards.....with no response. One particular person, who shall remain nameless, has went as far as saying that they would like to get to know me a bit better.....they would be contacting me thru the pm system to do so.....never happened....

Believe me, it is not that I care....I treat this place with the same premise as I did my employment....I am here for a purpose, at work it was to make it is for the educational/entertainment value.... not for the friendship. Was not like this until recently. But things change. Could be that I am not a member of the butt patting crew? Perhaps....Could be where I stand on building bastard cars? Perhaps...Perhaps it is just nothing more than I am not very well liked.....Don't know.....Don't really care....