Friend somebody.....

I guess if you think it does nothing, it doesn't. I try to be an optimist, though.

I can give 2 nice examples.

1968FormulaS340. He and I did not like each other. I tried doing better by him on the forum first and noticed some of the same in return, so I sent him a friend request. He accepted it. Now we get along good.

Adam. Most everybody knows our colorful history here. Same basic thing. We started commenting nicely on some posts so I decided to take a chance. I sent Adam a friend request and he accepted it. Who'da thunk it?

It's like anything else. You can either look at it as a positive, or not.

I don't have a problem, either way. I'm not looking at it in a negative light, or a positive light, and I don't see, or make claim to any harm in it, whatsoever. I see no advantage or disadvantage to it. It's just another "something to do".

I look at it as the Members Roster is a "Friends List". That said, there is obviously at least one person who doesn't want me as a "friend", because when I did "reach out to him" he completely ignored it. granted, if it wasn't for the "Friends Request" feature I wouldn't have known that, but, the question still remains, what difference does it make?

You're a cool dude, Rob, and we became friends a while back. Did that change our internet relationship any?
Forgive me if you think I'm being obtuse, I'm honestly not trying to be, but, I honestly don't see a need for the feature. That doesn't mean I want it stopped, or closed, or ended or discontinued. It doesn't mean any of that. It mean only that I don't really think it's necessary to have a list, that no one but you can access, with a bunch of screen names and avatars on it. What's the purpose?
There are people on my friends list who wouldn't give me the right time of day... But, they're on my friends list. :dontknow:

It's a feature that came with the site's software. It's cute, but other than some feel good kind of thing, wait... is that what it's supposed to be? I just don't understand it purpose. :scratch:

It's my opinion that we're all friends here. How do I add 30,000 people to my friends List without making it my life's work? lol :poke:

...and I love cupcakes.