If you could go back, or pick and era to grow up in...would you you?

What's keeping anyone from enjoying any arts and culture of the past? You can buy almost anything, without leaving your front door, these days.

We have technology at a dispose. This means you can take it or leave it. Clearly, we like some parts of it, because we are on here, BS'n' about it.

I don't have a TV that gets signal. I don't care about the programming today, enough to get one.

I'm a little behind the times on what's in movie theaters, who twerked on stage or how stupid a sports player is acting, but something is really good enough, I usually catch wind of it by a friend and check it out.

I play video games once in a while. I like arcade games and NES, over the new ones that require a work week of time to dedicate on a console that costs more than a good induction system. I think MP3 players are great. I think having hard copies of favorites on vinyl and CD is cool, too.

I'll leave the racism, bigotry against women, DDT, lead fallout over major cities and all of the other insanity at the exit of those decades.

The industry was at a height and social life was a disaster. No thanks.

Frontier? No. I like the idea of living past 40.

If I like something from those decades, I'll check it out and maybe participate or make a purchase. There are plenty of antiques to go around for those who are interested.

Why stick myself in any decade, when I can look back on any part of any of them, take what I like and leave the rest?

Birrion dorra Don Johnson 'Cudas are cool... but would anyone keep thinking that, if they weren't worth the Vatican? Do what you like, regardless of values. Even to the blind, hindsight is 20/20. Want quality? You can find it. Want simplicity? Live easily amused.