*****Benefit Auction to Help Our Member RustyRatRod*****

In the past payment was verified by the recipient, Rob in this case.
The easiest way is to post updates in this thread. A lot of members just posted when payment was sent also.
between me and Rob, we will handle it
Ok I guess it's over? How are we going to handle verifying payment to Rob so We can ship an item to the winner?
I will begin PMing members after I finish my chimichanga that they have won. Rob will tell me when they have paid, the I will personally tell the seller "you have the greenlight to ship"
I was told by memike to stay out of this thread, which I have. However, I want to let yall know Mike (PanGasket) is having a difficult time with his phone making posts. He is on his way home from work and will update and answer questions then. I would like to think him and all of the rest of you who've helped with this. Kitty and I really appreciate it.

We really want to express a sincere huge thanks to memike. I have no clue what prompted him to start this. It just fell out of the sky. Thank you mike. It means more than you know. Thank you all.
Rob, this was my own way of giving back to you. Memike did this just because he is memike, and he is awesome:hello2: